- Use Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or any Chromium-based Internet browser when interacting with a Proctorio-enabled exam.
- Ensure you have the Proctorio extension installed. You can download the extension here.
- Set up Proctorio-enabled exams properly by selecting “Enable Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor.”
- Do NOT edit the exam outside the supported browser.
- Access the Proctorio Gradebook by following the steps below:
- Click on the exam that you want to review.
- Select “View Proctorio Gradebook” on the first page of the exam.
- When creating an exam with Proctorio enabled:
- Set a time limit.
- Select the Proctorio Settings that best fit the needs of you and your test takers.
- Utilize “Saved Profiles” by creating “Default Profiles”:
- The default profile is indicated by the bookmark icon in the upper left corner of the tile.
- When you check “Enable Secure Proctor” in the quiz restrictions section of the new exam, the default profile and its settings will automatically be added.