Using the “Link Out” method, you can enable customized Proctorio settings and link out from Canvas to your third-party exam. Following your test takers’ attempts, results will be available within the Proctorio Gradebook in Canvas. Please follow the steps below to enable third-party exam proctoring:


1. Create your exam within the third-party platform and add a time limit and password.


2. Log in to Canvas, navigate to Quizzes, and add a new quiz.



3. Select Classic Quizzes or “New Quizzes” from the popup. 



4. Name your exam and add a time limit in Canvas. 


It is recommended to add 5 additional minutes to your Canvas exam compared to your third-party exam (e.g. if your exam is 120 mins, add 125 mins in Canvas). This helps to ensure your test takers have time to get into their third-party exam.


5. IMPORTANT - You do not need to add an access code to your Canvas exam. Proctorio will enable and manage the access code for you.


6. Under “Quiz Restrictions”, select the box to “Enable Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor”.



7. Once you enable Proctorio, you will see the access code automatically added. 


8. Next, click on the “Questions” tab.


9. Add a new question to your Canvas exam. 


It is recommend to add a “Text (no question)” question. This is where you will add any instructions for the exam, the exam password, and the link to your third-party exam.


10. Add your exam instructions, exam password, and exam link into the text box.

11. Note: When inserting a link in Canvas New Quizzes, set the Target to “New Tab.”


It is recommended to instruct your test takers to keep their Canvas tab open while taking their exams. 


12. Open your exam within the third-party platform and copy the URL to the question.

*Note: You must click on the password-protected exam in the third-party platform to get a password prompt and copy the URL. 


13. To add this URL, use the Links option.



If you are using Canvas New Quizzes, ensure the New Tab option under Target is selected. 



14. Once all your exam instructions have been added, select “Done” or “Ok” and click “Update Question.”


15. Add one more question to the exam to ensure the test takers navigate back to Canvas to submit it.


It is recommended to add a question to the end of your third-party exam that corresponds with the second question in Canvas. Alternatively, you can use a “True/False” question and add the following verbiage: “I confirm that I upheld exam integrity with this assessment.”


16. Next, open the “Proctorio Settings” tab. 


17. Select the Proctorio Settings to enable the desired Lock Down, Recording, and Verification Options for your exam.

18. A couple of settings MUST be enabled to proctor the third-party exam. 


Make sure “New Tabs are Allowed.” Do not enable “Disable New Tabs.” Its tile should remain white. If you do click on “Disable New Tabs,” select “Tabs Allowed.” 


18. There are also some settings that CANNOT be enabled to proctor a third-party exam. 


Do not enable: “Force Full Screen” or “Disable New Tabs.” Instead, they should remain grayed out, as seen below. 


19. Once you are done selecting your Proctorio Settings, click “Save and Publish.” 



Test-Taker Workflow - Taking an Exam

  1. Your test taker will log into Canvas and navigate to the exam. 
  2. When they select “Take the Quiz,” your test taker will be taken through the Proctorio pre-checks. Please note that the exam time limit does not start for your test taker until after the Proctorio pre-checks are complete. mceclip7.png
  3. When your test taker is ready, they will select the “Continue” or “I accept, begin exam now” button, and Proctorio will take them through the System Diagnostics Test.
  4. Your test taker will then be taken through other pre-checks, depending on the Proctorio Settings selected (e.g. Verify ID, Record Webcam, etc.)
  5. When your test taker is ready to start the exam, they will select “I accept, begin exam now”.                                       mceclip8.png
  6. Your test taker will then see the questions in Canvas and be able to click the link to open the third-party exam. mceclip9.png
  7. The third-party exam will open in a new tab. Please note that your test taker may need to log into the third-party platform before being taken to the exam page. They will then be prompted to add the password
  8. Your test taker should keep the Canvas tab open throughout the entire exam.
  9. Once your test taker is done taking their exam within the third-party platform, they will submit it. 
  10. Your test taker will then navigate back to the Canvas tab, finish any remaining questions, and select “Submit Quiz”.


Proctorio Gradebook

Classic Quizzes

  1. Once your test takers have taken the exam, you will be able to access the Proctorio Gradebook in Canvas.
  2. Navigate to “Quizzes” and then select the exam.
  3. On the right side of the screen below SpeedGrader, select “View Proctorio Gradebook”.                                    mceclip10.png
  4. You will now be able to view the Proctorio Gradebook for your third-party exam.

New Quizzes

  1. Click the exam link.
  2. Select “Build” in the lower right corner.
  3. Click the Proctorio Gradebook tab.