If you want to copy a single page, module, assignment, rubric, Harmonize discussion, etc., please follow these instructions.
1. Start in the DESTINATION course. That is, open the course where you need to copy the page into.
2. Go to Settings (left side nav) > Import Course Content.
3. Select "Copy a Canvas Course" from the dropdown menu.
4. Next, in the "Search for a course" box, type in the name of the SOURCE course (that is, where the item you'd like to copy currently exists). Click "Select specific content." The click "Import." You will select which content to copy on the next screen.
5. You will see "Current Jobs." Click on "Select Content" to choose your desired content to copy.
6. Choose your content from the items shown. You can toggle open/closed the boxes with arrows next to them. Once you've selected your desired content to copy, click "Select Content."
7. Your content will be copied shortly and appear in the destination course!